ISO Ethanol Yearbook 2023

The ISO Ethanol Yearbook 2023 offers comprehensive updated statistical data and analysis on the world ethanol market. 

ISO Ethanol Yearbook 2023 provides: 

  • Comprehensive coverage of world ethanol (fuel and non-fuel) ethanol production, consumption, imports and exports. 
  • Nearly 100 pages containing statistical information about the world ethanol market. 
  • Information about prices and government policy in ethanol producing and consuming countries. 
  • Extensive historical information about the ethanol market in the US and Brazil. 
  • A 10-page analytical review of developments in the world ethanol market through 2022, including changes in production, consumption, trade and policy. Available in Hardcopy (pocket size) and electronic version (PDF & Excel) 

Corporate copies of the Ethanol Yearbook are available to order on request with a one page over-view of your company and logo at a discounted price (minimum order of 50 books)


1	World Production and Consumption						 
2	Fuel Ethanol Prices									 
3	International Trade									 
4	Blending Mandates									 

WORLD Fuel Ethanol Production								 
WORLD Feedstock Use for Fuel Ethanol Production					 
WORLD Fuel Ethanol Consumption							 
WORLD Fuel Ethanol Trade								 
WORLD Ethanol Production								 
WORLD Ethanol Exports									 
WORLD Ethanol Imports									 
ARGENTINA Fuel Ethanol Balance								 
ARGENTINA Fuel Ethanol Reference Prices						 
AUSTRALIA Ethanol Balance								
BRAZIL Ethanol Balance									
BRAZIL Fuel Ethanol Balance								
BRAZIL Fuel Ethanol Consumption by Type and Region				
BRAZIL Cane and Corn Ethanol Production						
BRAZIL Total Ethanol Production by State						
BRAZIL Cane Hydrous Ethanol Production by State					
BRAZIL Cane Anhydrous Ethanol Production by State					
BRAZIL Hydrous and Anhydrous Cane Ethanol Production 				
BRAZIL Corn Hydrous and Anhydrous Ethanol Production				
BRAZIL São Paulo State Ex-Mill Cane Ethanol Prices (BRL/litres)			
BRAZIL São Paulo State Ex-Mill Cane Ethanol Prices (USD/litre)			
BRAZIL Ex-Mill Sugar as Against Hydrous Ethanol Price 				
BRAZIL Hydrous Ethanol and Gasohol Retail Pump Prices				
BRAZIL Hydrous Ethanol/Gasohol Retail Pump Price Ratio				
BRAZIL Mandated Ethanol Blend Ratio in Gasoline					
BRAZIL São Paulo Average Monthly ATR (Recoverable Sucrose) Prices		
BRAZIL Cane Prices - São Paulo								
BRAZIL Flex Fuel (and Alcohol) Vehicle Sales						
BRAZIL Ethanol Exports									
BRAZIL Ethanol Exports by Country of Destination					
BRAZIL Fuel Ethanol Exports by Country of Destination				
BRAZIL Ethanol Export Prices								
BRAZIL Ethanol Imports									
BRAZIL Fuel Ethanol Imports by Country of Origin					
BRAZIL Industrial Cane to Ethanol Allocation						
BRAZIL Cane Production		 							
BRAZIL Centre-South Cane Production							
CANADA Fuel Ethanol Balance								
CHINA Ethanol Balance									
CHINA Ethanol Imports by Country 2018							
CHINA Ethanol Imports by Country 2019							
CHINA Ethanol Imports by Country 2020							
CHINA Ethanol Imports by Country 2021							
CHINA Ethanol Imports by Country 2022 						
COLOMBIA Fuel Ethanol Balance								
COLOMBIA Fuel Ethanol Production and Sales by Mills					
COLOMBIA Ethanol Prices									
EU Ethanol Balance	   									
EU-27 + UK Fuel Ethanol Production by Member States				
EU-27 + UK Ethanol Production Capacity in 2022 by Member States			
EU-27 + UK Fuel Ethanol Consumption							
EU Renewable Ethanol Production by Type						
GUATEMALA Ethanol Balance								
GUATEMALA Ethanol Production Capacity						
INDIA Ethanol Balance									
INDIA Fuel Ethanol Production Capacity							
JAPAN Ethanol Balance									
KOREA REP OF Ethanol Balance								
PAKISTAN Ethanol Balance									
PARAGUAY Ethanol Balance								
PERU Fuel Ethanol Balance									
PERU Fuel Ethanol Consumption								
PHILIPPINES Fuel Ethanol Balance							
PHILIPPINES Fuel Ethanol Imports							
PHILIPPINES Fuel Ethanol Reference Prices						
THAILAND Ethanol Balance								
THAILAND Fuel Ethanol Production							
THAILAND Ethanol Production Capacity							
THAILAND Fuel Ethanol Consumption							
THAILAND Gasoline Sales, 2017 and 2018						
THAILAND Gasoline Sales, 2019 and 2020						
THAILAND Gasoline Sales, 2021 and 2022						
THAILAND Fuel Ethanol Reference Price							
THAILAND Retail Fuel Pump Prices							
TÜRKIYE Fuel Ethanol Balance								
UNITED STATES Fuel Ethanol Balance							
UNITED STATES Fuel Ethanol Production						
UNITED STATES Fuel Ethanol Consumption						
UNITED STATES Ethanol Imports								
UNITED STATES Ethanol Imports by Selected Origins					
UNITED STATES Fuel Ethanol Imports							
UNITED STATES Ethanol Exports by Selected Destinations				
UNITED STATES Ethanol Exports								
UNITED STATES Monthly Fuel Ethanol Balance, 2017 and 2018			
UNITED STATES Monthly Fuel Ethanol Balance, 2019 and 2020			
UNITED STATES Monthly Fuel Ethanol Balance, 2021 and 2022			
UNITED STATES Fuel Ethanol, Gasoline Consumption and Market Share	           
UNITED STATES Gasoline Consumption						           
UNITED STATES Fuel Ethanol Prices						          
UNITED STATES Retail Gasoline Prices						          
UNITED STATES Corn Prices							          
UNITED STATES Net Profit Margins for Ethanol Producers				 
UNITED STATES Corn Use for Fuel Ethanol					          
UNITED STATES Dried Distillers Grains Production				          
UNITED STATES Ethanol Production Capacity					          
UNITED STATES Ethanol Production Capacity by State				          
UNITED STATES Revised Renewable Fuels Volume Requirements for RFS	          
UNITED STATES 2019 RIN Generation and Renewable Fuel Volume Production     
UNITED STATES 2020 RIN Generation and Renewable Fuel Volume Production     
UNITED STATES 2021 RIN Generation and Renewable Fuel Volume Production   
UNITED STATES 2022 RIN Generation and Renewable Fuel Volume Production   																	
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Hard Copy of this issue: £285
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